Sunday, December 31, 2006

A short pictorial progress report Handicapped & Woman Co-operation Centre Construction

In our centre everyday many physically handicapped children and distressed mothers are coming for help and support.

There was no house to give them rehabilitation and training. This house will be used for the handicapped children and poor mothers for vocational training and rehabilitation.

[Front View]

[Side View]

A short pictorial progress report on Health Centre Construction

This is a matter of proud for all of us that last 16 years we were working for the poor people under tiles and tin shade and even under the trees and now with the support of good friends of Florindon Foundation, one strong concrete house will be constructed.

This house will be use for the treatment of very poor sick mothers, children and any helpless people who needs medical support.

Everybody more than 700 patients will be treated coming from very remote rural areas who have no other possibilities.

[Construction of Health Centre on Progress - Front View]

[Construction of Health Centre on Progress - Side View]

IIMC – 織物プログラム

The Weaving and the Women Rehabilitation

 あのマハトマ・ガンジーは,農村部の開発について,慎重な考えを持っていました。それは, 人工衛星やビルゲイツの時代にあっても,この国の女性たちは依然無視されています。農村部の60%の女性は未だに書くことも読むこともできません。文字も,交通手段も電気もない場所に住んでいます。








Dr. スジット・K・ブラモチャリ

IIMC Mission

IIMC – Programme for Cloth Weaving & Life Weaving

The Weaving and the Women Rehabilitation

In IIMC – Mission developmental concept will go back thousand years with the hand weaving process.

Years before hand weaving were only the way to make fabrics & cloth.

[Cotton fine threads are on the progress for processing and coloring]

Mahatma Gandhi thought it is very prudently and applied for the rural developments and motivation for self improvements and self confidence.

IIMC Woman Empowering Unit has started Hand Weaving cloth & Garments fabrication, which will give job to many rural mothers and will bring the economical self-reliance for the poor families.

[Thread Turning Process]

[Weaving Process]

In this satellite & Bill Gate age why IIMC thinking of hand weaving, yes because even in 21st Century our woman are so much neglected and ignored, 60% rural woman can't read & write. There is no read, transport and electricity. In this situation IIMC – micro credit, hand weaving and vocational training is the best solution for the rural women to earn for their daily life.

[IIMC – Senior volunteers are enjoying the weaving process]

In some other initiatives, it has been proved that if the rural women get support and inspiration. They can bring every improvements and even can change whole economical situation of their families through micro-credit, handicraft and small enterprises and at least it is happening in IIMC project in several villages.

Reported by Dr. S. K. Bramochary

IIMC Mission

Saturday, December 30, 2006


"Order of the Star of Italian Solidarity"


IIMCを代表してバーナリーとアシュマが,イタリアのChiara – IanaとデンマークのSaraと共に,この授賞式に参加しました。








スンダルバンス・フォレスト諸島,地上においてもっとも文明から分け隔てられた僻地のひとつで,IIMCは活動をはじめました。 2006年8月2日,ベンガル湾内のガンジス川デルタにおいて,教育&医療保健センターを開設したのです。ここでは,人々は虎,クロコダイル,コブラや自然の気候の挑戦を絶えず受けています。この地区の詳細については次のサイトを参照してください。

スンダルバンス・フォレスト国立公園(Sundarbans National Park)(英語)






